Expert Chiropractic Care for Your Well-being

Proudly serving Cotati and the surrounding Sonoma County region.

If you're navigating through your day with discomfort or pain, you're not alone. At Sonoma Sports & Family Chiropractic, our dedicated team of professionals is here to guide you towards a more comfortable, active lifestyle. We're committed to addressing your symptoms with personalized care and expert solutions.

Elevate your Journey to Wellness

Here's how we make a difference in your life.

Pain Relief

Experience targeted pain relief tailored to your specific needs, restoring comfort and enhancing your overall well-being

Movement Optimization

Improve both mobility and strength with our comprehensive approach, personalized to optimize your movement capabilities and empower your body for peak performance

Performance Outcome

Performance is not just for athletes. Performance is about how well you do something. Enhance your body's capacity to excel in everyday activities.

Seeking relief from discomfort?

Discover how our care makes life more comfortable.

At Sonoma Sports & Family Chiropractic, we blend experience with innovation to address your unique needs. Our dedicated team, led by experts in chiropractic care, focuses on providing tailored treatments that aim not just to alleviate symptoms but to enhance your overall well-being. Choosing us means opting for a healthier, more vibrant life.

Reoccurring injuries holding you back?

Discover how our care can break that cycle.

We get to the root cause of the issue by identifying underlying biomechanical imbalances, musuclar weaknesses, and/or joint dysfunctions that contribute to the injury recurrence. By addressing these fundamental issues comprehensively, we not only alleviate current discomfort but also empower athletes to build resilence, enhance performance, and mitigate the risk for future injuries. 

Sports chiropractic is for everyone!

If you are looking to optimize your physical performance and well-being, we can help.

Whether you are a weekend hiker or a busy parent chasing after kids, sports chiropractic can enhance your abilities and vitality. Sports chiropractic empowers you to perform at your best, feel more energize, and enjoy life to the fullest.

Learn More

Meet Dr. Myra Amparo

Your dedicated guide to better health and wellness.


Dr. Myra Amparo, at Sonoma Sports & Family Chiropracic, focuses on holistic chiropractic care with a strong emphasis on optimizing movement. She ensures that every visit is centered around empowering patients to optimize their physical health and enhance their performance in every aspects of their lives. Dr. Amparo's dedication to health and fitness makes her an invaluable asset to Sonoma County community's active population. 


Elevate Your Wellness, Simplify Your Health Journey

This is our simple process.
Book An Evaluation

Book An Evaluation

Schedule an evaluation so we can get to know you and see how you can benefit from chiropractic care.
Get Custom Treatment

Get Custom Treatment

Work with one of our doctors to develop a custom treatment plan tailored to you.
Start Feeling Amazing

Start Feeling Amazing

Feel your improved symptoms and gain confidence.

Feel Better & Live Better Today

Schedule your visit to solve pain, normalize movement, and maximize performance